
Did you know you can send a text (SMS) message to 9-1-1 in Sumner County. Follow the tips below to learn when texting is appropriate and how to send a text message to 9-1-1.
When Is It Appropriate?
Text-2-911 Guidelines
Some situations when Text-to-911 is appropriate include, but are not limited to;
Deaf, hard of hearing callers, or individuals with a speech disability
A caller who is unable to speak due to a medical or other condition
Emergency situations that would put the caller in danger if making a voice call (examples include abductions, domestic violence, active shooter situations, etc)
Text-to-911 requires an active telephone service plan with data or it will not work
Texting should be done using your wireless phone's text messaging service and not from a third party texting application
Texting can be done by entering "911" in the field for a phone number
Provide your exact address or location
Explaine the type of emergency or help that is being requested
Be prepared to answer questions the dispatch might text back
Use plain language; do not use abbreviations, symbols, emoticons, or other jargon
Messages should be brief, but concise
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